Friday, 28 December 2012

Who's really behind the Sevco Investors.

So Charles Green told everyone that he would make public who the investors in NewCo Rangers where, has he?

Basically he has brought together a bunch of Stockbrokers and Fund Management companies who will invest and receive some Tax relief. Or is that the only reason?

I would like to bring to your attention a piece that i read earlier on this year.

This piece describes how another 2 Investment companies also got burnt when the £27m vanished.

So the first company we will have a look at is AWD Chase de Vere

They are Independent Financial Advisers.

In the Money-marketing piece above an AWD spokesman says "the firm sold the EIS as a higher-risk offering, through different tranches of the same EIS, to a small number of clients." (Regarding investing in Ticketus)

So who were the clients?

If we look at the business relationships with AWD Chase De Vere there is clear evidence that they are working with some of Charles Greens Institutional Investors.

Below are links between AWD Chase De Vere who lost money in the Ticketus deal & Cazenove who recently invested in Charles Greens NewCo.

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

Below are links between AWD Chase De Vere who lost money in the Ticketus deal & Legal & General who recently invested in Charles Greens NewCo.

Link 5

Link 6

Obvious working relationships in progress. I'll let you come to your own conclusions!

The second company that lost out when £27 big ones went 'a' missing are St James Place.

St James Place or SJP are described as a Wealth Management company.

In the Money-marketing piece above a St James’s Place spokesman says "the company sold the product to fewer than 50 clients, including partners, and has an exposure of less than £1m". SJP says it is continuing to monitor the situation closely. (Regarding investing in Ticketus)

Lets have a look at some of the business dealing SJP has had with recent investors in Charles Green NewCo.

Below are links between St James Place who lost out on the Ticketus deal and Artemis Investment Management LLP who are SJP investment advisers who recently invested in Charles Greens NewCo.

Link 7

The links below tells us who St James Place's partners are. Please note that their partners include recent investors, Insight Investment Management, Legal & General. Capita who overseen the share issue and Octopus Investments who own Ticketus.

Link 8

They are mentioned on SJP website also.

Link 9

So it certainly looks like the Institutional Investors are fronts for the three companies that lost out in the Ticketus deal but I'll leave it up to you to make up your own mind.

The losers in the Ticketus deal were Octopus Investments, AWD Chase De Vere and St James Place.

Each one of those companies is directly connected to 1,2,3 or even 4 of the companies involved in the investing and running of Charles Greens NewCo whether that be Zeus involvement with Octopus, Cazenoves involvement with AWD or Artemis involvement SJP.

These Billion pound companies don't become Billion pound companies by being nice or lenient when it comes to business. I suspect they know exactly what they are doing, they've probably had to do these things before. Once they have recouped their money they'll ditch the assets that they have left to the first bidder and you will not see them for dust.

Will Charles Green ever disclose who are behind the Institutional Investors?

Probably not.


Compliant media who won't ask the questions or question his answers.

Where there is money, there is corruption.


Friday, 7 December 2012

Ticketus increase shareholding in Newco Rangers

Rangers International Football Club PLC.

The scam the 'people' never seen.

Charles Green
Hargreave Hale Limited
Artemis Investment Management LLP
Blue Pitch Holding
Mike Ashley
Margarita Funds Holding Trust
Cazenove Capital Management Limited
Richard Hughes
Imran Ahmad
Legal & General Investment Management Limited
Insight Investment Management (Global) Limited
Craig Mather
Above is a list of new shareholder in the Newco Rangers. 

I have already blogged about the Ahmed / Stockbridge / Zeus / Allenby connection with Octopus Investments the owners of Ticketus who were left £28m out of pocket when Craig Whyte put Oldco Rangers into administration and soon to be liquidation.

I then blogged about how Metro bank were funded by Octopus and that Newco Rangers were banking with Metro.

I then blogged about how Cenkos Securities, Capita Finance, Field Fisher Waterhouse (FFW) who all worked on behalf of Octopus were now the driving force behind the Newco Rangers share issue.

So do any of the new shareholder have connections with Octopus who own Ticketus? 

Lets take a look. The links below show the connection to Octopus.

Hargreaves Hale.

Will become the second largest shareholder in Newco Rangers 4,949,000 (8.67%)

Hargreaves Hale have had a long standing working relationship with Octopus shown below.  

Artemis Investment Management LLP

Artemis will become the 3rd largest shareholder in Newco Rangers with 4,286,000 (7.43%)

Artemis are joint shareholders and have a working relationship with Octopus shown below.

Cazenove Capital Management Limited

Cazenove will hold 2,450,000 shares. (4.25%)

Octopus are investors in Cazenove with a 25% fund holding in the company. Cazenove are included in Octopus 'asset documents'.

Legal & General Investment Maganagement Limited

Legal & General will have 2,000,000 shares. (3.47%)

Legal & General have a working relationship with Octopus.

So far:

Newco Rangers>Brian Stockbrigde>Zeus>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Imran Ahmed>Allenby>Zeus>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Richard Hughes>Zeus>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Metro Bank>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Cenkos>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Capita>Octopus

Newco Rangers>FFW>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Hargreaves Hale>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Artemis Investment Management LLP>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Cazenove Investment Management Limited>Octopus

Newco Rangers>Legal & General Investment Management Limited>Octopus

The total shareholding of the people and companies connected to Octopus is 18,085,000 which equates to 31.37%.

Once Newco Rangers admission to the AIM market is completed, Octopus Investments Limited who own Ticketus will become the 'Major Shareholder' in Newco Rangers with 31.37%